Our unique product, a bioflavonoid and a natural antioxidant which contains pro-anthocyanidin, comes from a specific indigenous Acacia plant which increases the natural vitamin A, E and C levels to double its efficacy in the body (proven by independent studies by a well-known University) where grape seed extract is normally restricted to Vitamin E and C. BIOremCYDIN also protects the Selenium.
BIOremCYDIN (when measured in terms of ORAC values) contains the highest values commercially for free radical scavenging ability when compared to rooibos tea extract as well as grape seed extract.
It scavenges the free radicals which cause toxicity in the body which causes damage to cells and eventually leads to cell structure damage as well as organ damage.
“Free radicals are molecules with electrons which are unpaired. Stable molecules have electrons in pairs, like a buddy system. But if a molecule has an electron which does not have a partner, it becomes unstable and reactive. It will steal an electron from a stable molecule.” David Lin.
Smoke from tobacco, air pollutants and pesticides all encourage the production of free radicals. Free radicals can cause heart disease, cataracts, arthritis and Parkinson’s.
BIOremCYDIN also increases Vitamin A levels, which leads to better protection of the mucous membrane and an increased tempo at which hair and nails grow.
It is also known for its property of “vitamin sparing”. This property has been proven (in vivo studies) in the sparing ability of Vitamin E (95%), Vitamin A (45%) and Vitamin C (60%)
The benefits and advantages of taking BIOremCYDIN:
* It also protects the body against the depletion of Vitamins A & E, and increases hair and nail growth as it has a collagen stabilizing effect.
* Vitamin C activity is intensified by the synergism between Flavonoids and Vitamin C.
* BIOremCYDIN has an anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effect and is involved with digestion and metabolism in the GI tract, and is absorbed in the small intestine and reduces the risk of acidosis.
* An active component in skincare products (cosmetic and anti-aging).
* Assists with wound healing, general hypo-allergic treatment for sensitive skin and babies.
* Improves diabetic complications.
* Reduces high blood pressure.
* Has anti-cancer properties.
* Assists with dental and urinary infections as well as Escherichia coli and streptococcus.
* Helps to protect the body from viral infections.
60 capsules in a container
(each 300mg capsule contains 119mg Pro-anthocyanidin and 140mg Bioflavonoids.)
Dosage: 1 capsule daily after meals
- Note - Prices for all products are available on request Delivery within 24-72 hours, if products are in stock Information provided without prejudice

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